Problemi relativi alla posizione Problemi promemoria da fare basati sulla posizione
I’ve recently been enjoying a new task-reminder tool called Location Alert. I plug in both the task I need a reminder for and the place I need to be reminded (e.g. when I’m on the same block as the Dry Cleaner I want to be reminded to pick up the dry cleaning). It’s not a perfect app (I’d like it if it would time the reminders based on the time of day so I wouldn’t get reminded to pick up the dry cleaning while walking down the street on my lunch break) but for the most part it works exactly as promised: easy reminders for the tasks you need to do when you’re in the right place to do them.
Sembra una soluzione praticabile, Usi, grazie per la condivisione. Ci piacerebbe ascoltare i lettori di altre piattaforme (come i telefoni Android e BlackBerry) che hanno esperienza con i promemoria basati sulla posizione.
DIY Floppy Drive Music
Paul scrive con un divertente progetto fai da te:
Noticed the fun videos you guys have posted over the last few weeks/months of floppy-drive created music… if any readers are up for a geeky DIY challenge, I found a set of instructions for building your own floppy-drive “speakers”. I have no idea if this is the way the guys in the videos you’ve shared are doing it but it’s certainly pretty neat.
Niente davvero … se potessimo installare alcune stampanti ad aghi e vecchi dischi rigidi saremmo sulla buona strada per creare una sinfonia.
Facile accesso ai manuali dei prodotti
Manuals are pretty annoying: they take up room, they’re usually filed away or lost when you need them, and you can’t search hard copies. I solved all those problems by putting all my product and game manuals in my Dropbox account. Now whenever I need a manual I can look at it on my iPad, smartphone, or any computer that has access to my Dropbox account and a PDF reader. And the best part is, of course, that I can search every manual for exactly the thing I’m looking for!
Siamo con te al 100%, Bill. Ci piace mettere i manuali dei nostri giochi da tavolo nell'intero flusso di lavoro Dropbox-to-iPad, quindi ogni volta che abbiamo bisogno di fare riferimento a una regola oscura, siamo alla ricerca di una query lontana dalle risposte di cui abbiamo bisogno.
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