Che cos'è un disco rigido Bare o OEM?


Che cos'è un disco rigido Bare o OEM?
Che cos'è un disco rigido Bare o OEM?

Video: Che cos'è un disco rigido Bare o OEM?

Video: Che cos'è un disco rigido Bare o OEM?
Video: CODEC e CONTENITORI VIDEO | Capire le basi - YouTube 2024, Maggio
Quando stai acquistando un nuovo disco rigido per il tuo computer o laptop, potresti imbatterti nei termini Bare e / o OEM, ma sono in realtà diversi dagli altri hard disk o sono gli stessi? Il post di Q & A di SuperUser di oggi ha le risposte alle domande di un lettore confuso.
Quando stai acquistando un nuovo disco rigido per il tuo computer o laptop, potresti imbatterti nei termini Bare e / o OEM, ma sono in realtà diversi dagli altri hard disk o sono gli stessi? Il post di Q & A di SuperUser di oggi ha le risposte alle domande di un lettore confuso.

La sessione di domande e risposte di oggi ci viene fornita per gentile concessione di SuperUser, una suddivisione di Stack Exchange, un raggruppamento di domande e risposte basato sulla comunità.

Foto per gentile concessione di Asten (Flickr).

La domanda

Lettore SuperUser Pankhuri Gupta vuole saperne di più sui dischi fissi "Bare" e "OEM":

I am looking for a new internal hard-drive for my laptop and found terms like ‘Bare’ hard-drive and ‘OEM’ hard-drive when looking online.

I researched the terms and found that ‘bare’ hard-drives do not come with cables or manuals. But I am still confused about one thing. Do they have the connector chip on them? Everywhere I looked online I saw images of ‘bare’ hard-drives displayed with exposed spindles and platters.

I do not believe that I will need any cables or other ‘accessory’ parts to replace the old hard-drive in my laptop.

Cosa ottieni realmente con un disco rigido "Bare" o "OEM"?

La risposta

Collaboratori SuperUser Journeyman Geek e Fiasco Labs hanno la risposta per noi. Per prima cosa, Journeyman Geek:

There is little practical difference between a retail or ‘OEM’ hard-drive for consumer systems. For the same model, it is the same exact hard-drive with all the relevant internal parts needed to make it function. In general, such hard-drives are primarily marketed at system builders who would rather get a padded box of hard-drives with just the necessary packaging.

In general, OEM packaging looks like this:

You have a hard-drive in a sealed bag and that is it. No SATA cables, manuals, or anything else is included.
You have a hard-drive in a sealed bag and that is it. No SATA cables, manuals, or anything else is included.

Hard-drives absolutely do not ship with exposed platters.

Depending on the type of hard-drive and the SKU, you may get some additional literature (like manuals), a SATA cable, or in the case of some SSDs, a ‘migration kit’ that would let you hook up your hard-drive over USB, image it, and then swap hard-drives.

I would also add that if it is a pre-built computer (or server in some cases), replacing the ‘OEM’ hard-drive that came standard in it with your own hard-drive (‘OEM’ or otherwise) may void the warranty. Some may also have specific firmware versions or be branded to the system builder.

Seguito dalla risposta di Fiasco Labs:

‘Bare’ means a hard-drive in a manufacturer’s sealed anti-static bag (for all the vendors I have ever bought a hard-drive from). As long as it is properly packaged against g-forces, you are good to go.

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