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La domanda
Lettore SuperUser Liturgist vuole sapere come creare sottocartelle nel menu "Invia a" di Windows Explorer:
I have many “send to” destinations in my context menu and would like to create “send to” subfolders for them as well. When I try, it will only create a real folder in the “send to” menu. When I select an item from the listings in the “send to” part of the context menu, I want it to expand out into a list of “send to” subfolder destinations for that item. Is this possible?
Come si creano sottocartelle nel menu "invia a" di Windows Explorer?
La risposta
Ospite collaboratore SuperUser ha la risposta per noi:
An alternative approach for your reference:
Save the following as *.reg and import it to the registry (adapted from Sully at Wilders Security):
Add Cascading Menus for Programs in Desktop and My Computer Context Menus in Windows 7 and Later [AskVG]
Context menus in Windows and DOpus not always the same [Directory Opus Resource Center]
Addendum: Pseudo-Folder Menu
Save as C:copy.js:
Invoke Windows Copy from PowerShell [StackOverflow]
Folder.CopyHere Method [Windows Dev Center – MSDN]
Cascading Context Menus via Static Registry Entries and ExtendedSubCommandsKey in Windows 7 [IO-Repo]
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Crediti immagine: Menu contestuale Screenshots - guest (SuperUser)