I computer moderni sono ancora vulnerabili ai danni tramite i magneti?


I computer moderni sono ancora vulnerabili ai danni tramite i magneti?
I computer moderni sono ancora vulnerabili ai danni tramite i magneti?

Video: I computer moderni sono ancora vulnerabili ai danni tramite i magneti?

Video: I computer moderni sono ancora vulnerabili ai danni tramite i magneti?
Video: 152 Come pianificare attività ripetitive | Corso di computer | Daniele Castelletti | Ass Maggiolina - YouTube 2024, Maggio
È un avvertimento così spesso ripetuto che è saldamente inserito nella tradizione dei nerd: avvicinare un magnete al tuo prezioso computer e subire le terribili conseguenze. Ma é vero? Il tuo computer è in sintonia con un magnete di novità lontano dalla morte digitale?
È un avvertimento così spesso ripetuto che è saldamente inserito nella tradizione dei nerd: avvicinare un magnete al tuo prezioso computer e subire le terribili conseguenze. Ma é vero? Il tuo computer è in sintonia con un magnete di novità lontano dalla morte digitale?

La sessione di domande e risposte di oggi ci viene fornita per gentile concessione di SuperUser, una suddivisione di Stack Exchange, un raggruppamento di domande e risposte di community drive.

La domanda

Sebbene la regola anti-calamita sia stata ripetuta così spesso da essere legge, è in realtà una regola dura e veloce per la sicurezza dell'hardware? Il lettore SuperUser Aequitarum Custos voleva arrivare fino in fondo:

When I first started using computers, law of the land in computer class was never bring magnets near anything computer related, lest you lose all your data or screw up your monitor.

Now I am pretty sure magnets will still royally mess up a standard hard drive, and I know for a fact they screw up a CRT monitor.

Though I am also pretty sure they do not screw up a LCD monitor?

Now I have my phone which uses magnets to determine if it’s docked, and it made me wonder.

Is it the power of the magnet preventing data loss or the sheer fact that whatever memory type in the phone is immune to it?

What about ear buds, as I know those have tiny magnets in them. Are those capable of damaging any electronic device currently in use?

I’m wondering if I’m being paranoid, but I really am not sure what magnets will damage and what they won’t!

Is there a list, or rule of thumb for determining what will be hurt by magnets and what won’t be?

Chiunque abbia mai acceso un ventilatore da tavolo vicino o in cima al vecchio monitor CRT può certamente attestarlo qualcosa stava succedendo, come indicato dal modello selvaggio di arcobaleni che erutta sullo schermo, ma è stato qualcosa di permanente?

Le risposte

Il collaboratore di SuperUser Synetech spiega:
Il collaboratore di SuperUser Synetech spiega:

A list or rule? Sure, anything that uses electro-magnetism to function could, and would be affected by magnets. The question is what the detrimental effects, if any, would be and how strong and close do the magnets need to be. Generally the two most questioned items are the monitor and disk drives.

LCD/LED monitors are not generally susceptible to magnetic interference like CRTs are because they function completely differently (remember, CRTs use magnets to deflect the electron beam, so an external magnet would obviously mess with that).

Hard-drives are also not affected by magnets because of the way they function. You can research the details on how hard-drives work for a more thorough understanding, but the easy answer is that there is a very powerful magnet inside each hard-drive that controls the read-write head’s movement. That’s why some people like to rip open dead drives to get at the sweet, gooey super-strong magnet inside. If that magnet that is inside the drive, right beside the platters, and it doesn’t wipe them, then any magnet that you are likely to have around isn’t going to.

As for flash drives, they are a different technology altogether so they are not going to get erased.

There is one component however that is indeed affected by magnets that most people miss: cables. While many cables are shielded, some are not and thus susceptible to a magnetic field. For example, a cable connecting the sound card to the speaker may be shielded, but the little cable connecting the CD/DVD drive to the sound card usually isn’t and ingress of a magnetic field could cause interference. Or, while rounded IDE cables (especially for IDE133) are usually shielded, ribbons usually aren’t and even at speeds of 66/100 could be affected enough to cause some corruption or at least reduce performance due to re-tried reads/writes.

I would say that modern systems are not really vulnerable anymore because as time progresses, science and knowledge advances, but unfortunately that’s not sufficient. While that may be true, in the old days things were done right a lot more than today with all the cut corners and cost-reducing measures (eg NVIDIA’s “Bumpgate”).

Anyway, the point is that when it comes to modern computers (I’m counting floppy disks as not-modern), you don’t really need to worry about magnets. You can breath a sigh of relief.:)

Mentre questo risponde alla carne dell'inchiesta, devi essere selvaggiamente negligente con un magnete estremamente potente per causare un danno reale, contributor dmckee offre un esempio degli effetti del lavorare intorno a un magnete da ricerca molto potente:

I recall sitting at a computer on a major particle physics experiment when the big (10x5x3 meters, >100 tons) dipole magnet was being tested about 40 meters away. As they ramped it up the display would twist to one side by about 10 degrees. Hit “degauss” on the monitor front panel,::blur:: then return and all would be well. Later, they’d ramp down, and the monitor would twist the other way…good times. Leave you wallet in your pocket and walk into the hall while they were doing that and you’d loose the data on the magnetic stripes on all your cards…bad times.

Se un magnete che potente seduto accanto al monitor e alla torre del computer non può smettere definitivamente la macchina, allora sicuramente un biglietto da visita magnetico schiaffeggiato distrattamente sul lato di una custodia del computer è un piccolo caso di allarme.

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