Quale funzionalità potrei perdere se disattivo Java basato su browser?


Quale funzionalità potrei perdere se disattivo Java basato su browser?
Quale funzionalità potrei perdere se disattivo Java basato su browser?

Video: Quale funzionalità potrei perdere se disattivo Java basato su browser?

Video: Quale funzionalità potrei perdere se disattivo Java basato su browser?
Video: Replace the words: Switching between Insert and Overtype Mode in Microsoft Word - YouTube 2024, Maggio
Da qualche tempo, le persone sono state avvisate di disabilitare Java nei loro browser o di rimuoverlo completamente dai loro sistemi a meno che non ne abbiano effettivamente bisogno. Ma se lo disabiliti o lo rimuovi, stai effettivamente perdendo molte, se non nessuna funzionalità? Il post di Q & A di SuperUser di oggi ha la risposta alla domanda di un lettore interessato.
Da qualche tempo, le persone sono state avvisate di disabilitare Java nei loro browser o di rimuoverlo completamente dai loro sistemi a meno che non ne abbiano effettivamente bisogno. Ma se lo disabiliti o lo rimuovi, stai effettivamente perdendo molte, se non nessuna funzionalità? Il post di Q & A di SuperUser di oggi ha la risposta alla domanda di un lettore interessato.

La sessione di domande e risposte di oggi ci viene fornita per gentile concessione di SuperUser, una suddivisione di Stack Exchange, un raggruppamento di domande e risposte basato sulla comunità.

La domanda

Il lettore SuperUser Mark Wolinsky vuole sapere se perderà qualsiasi funzionalità se disabiliterà Java basato su browser:

I have read that disabling Java (not JavaScript) will make my computer safer from malicious software attacks. All indications are that it will indeed make it safer, but I have not seen any real indications out there as to what functionality I will lose in the browsing experience, if anything. Can someone tell me what I would or would not experience if I disable Java and is it really necessary for browsing these days?

Mark perde davvero qualsiasi funzionalità se disattiva Java basato su browser?

La risposta

Collaboratore SuperUser JakeGould ha la risposta per noi:

Can someone tell me what I would or would not experience if I disable Java and is it really necessary for browsing these days?

This is a fairly good question. What it boils down to is this: If you need Java in a browser, you will know so right away. If you do not need Java (and are unaware if you are even using it or not), chances are good that you will never miss it or bump into it again. The chances of a casual user tripping over a website that would truly need Java to function in 2015 is rare at best nowadays.

Just so you understand the history of Java and the web, Java is essentially a “black box” virtual machine that allows you to code in Java and then run that code on any system that can run Java. The concept was that Java would be a middle ground platform that could run on any machine: Windows, Macintosh, Linux, etc. The Java plugin simply allows you to run Java apps from within a web browser. This was appealing in the early days of the Internet due to a lack of cross-platform compatibilities and other “rough edges” of the early Internet.

But in 2015, most of the “fancy” base-level functionality that Java provided in the past (cool graphics, effects, and such) are now handled within the browser itself via CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Back in the late 1990s/early-2000s, lots of creative sites used Java because native browsers could not handle the tricks one could only do in Java back then. Java even came bundled as a basic plugin in Netscape Navigator back in the day thanks to the commonly accepted functionality it provided.

Now where you might miss it in 2015 depends on the kinds of websites you access. For example, I know that many financial systems accessible online (such as personal tax systems, payroll gateways, and other such systems) use complex Java applications to allow end users to get a richer experience with their financial tools. So if you are using your computer to access web-based financial applications like that, then you definitely need Java enabled. But in my experience, even in those cases, many such institutions are slowly moving their archaic Java-based systems to a more stable, non-Java-based setup that takes better advantage of modern web browser functionality.

For example, a little over a year ago anyone using the browser-based screen sharing software/service GoToMeeting needed to have Java enabled in their browser as well as on their system. But as explained in this support forum thread on their site, they have now officially dropped the Java requirement in favor of their own non-Java-based software tool:

In the past we used to use Java to automate launching our software, we have since replaced that method with our own launcher. Since introducing our launcher, we no longer use Java.

So my advice is if Java worries you as a potential security concern on a browser level, just disable it for now. I am pretty confident that you will not miss it. And if, in like 8 to 9 months, you need Java for some reason, deal with it then.

HTG Nota: se non hai bisogno di Java sul tuo sistema, ti consigliamo disinstallandolo completamente o disabilitando il plugin del browser.

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