La sessione di domande e risposte di oggi ci viene fornita per gentile concessione di SuperUser, una suddivisione di Stack Exchange, un raggruppamento di domande e risposte basato sulla comunità.
Schermata per gentile concessione di Lucius Hipan (SuperUser).
La domanda
Il lettore SuperUser Lucius Hipan vuole sapere come ripristinare l'aspetto predefinito del testo per le icone del desktop di Windows 10:
A cat slept on my computer’s keyboard and all of my desktop icons now look like what is shown in the picture below. There are three lines of text on the right side of each of the desktop icons. How can I fix it so that the normal appearance (one line of text below the icons) is restored?
Note: Trying Ctrl + Mouse Wheel did not help.
Come ripristinare (o modificare) l'aspetto predefinito del testo per le icone del desktop di Windows 10?
La risposta
Collaboratore SuperUser Jonno ha la risposta per noi:
I am not sure how your cat managed to do this since the keyboard shortcut for this is Ctrl + Shift + 8. However, to restore it back to the normal default style, right click anywhere on the desktop, go to (click) View, followed by clicking on any of the available options (i.e. Medium Icons).
Since there has been a bit of interest in this, Ctrl + Shift + number (listed below) produces different views when used on any folder (including the Windows Desktop).
- Extra Large Icons
- Large Icons
- Medium Icons
- Small Icons
- List View
- Details
- Tiles
- Content
This has been tested and works on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows Server 2012/2016. Keep in mind that the hotkey may vary between editions as others here have pointed out that it is Ctrl + Alt + number on Windows Server 2016 (TP4 – Simplified Chinese), for example.
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